Friday, May 12, 2006

Scammer TAFIK ABDUL from a University in Malaysia

An African Scammer in Malaysia?? HAHAHA!! Believe it or not?!

Date: May 13, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: Re:

Attention: Sir/Madam

Compliments of the season and with due respect, my name is TAFIK ABDUL
from South Africa. I study here in Malaysia at (UNIVERSITY PUTRA MALAYSIA SERDANG)

Dr, Abdul-Jubril Doseh. Is coming from U.K to Malaysia to purchase, Animal Injection and some other veterinary Equipments for their Farm Settlement in South Africa, the name of the company is (LIVESTOCK COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION)
The name of the injection is Thamacyne xp1000.

It uses to prevent:
  1. To prevent from all kinds of infectious diseases, like the MAD COW disease.
  2. It make them grow healthier and faster.
  3. For them not to transfer any of these diseases to human.
This medicine is brought in from Thailand to their franchise office in pennang and they are attached to W.H.O.'s office in Malaysia.
This medicine is packed ten bottles per carton.

We buy this medicine RM 700per bottle. (RM7000/10bottles)Per/carton.
We sell to the Doctor RM 1400 per bottle. (RM14000/10bottles) per carton.
We are acting as middle men for us to make our gain by not letting our South African Buyers
to know the Malaysian sellers, because if they know they will have to buy directly from the suppliers and thereby cutting us out from making our little profit.

They always come to buy cash on delivery. This is to avoid check or bank transfers inconveniences.
Why I needed you to assist me in financing this business is because the Chinese man I have been dealing with has gone to China to set up big Multi National Company.
Presently the Doctor have been calling me that they are out of stock and they want to come, I have to tell them that there is no stock now because I have not yet found a Local citizen who will represent and deal with them as the direct supplier.
So if you are willing to partake in this business I will first link you to the Malaysian Company so that you can know more about the Product, before I will link you to the Foreign Doctors so that you can Act as the direct Supplier.

At the end of the day we have to take out the amount you use in purchasing the product. The profit we make has to be shared 70% for you as the financier and 30% for me.

This contact was giving to me by my uncle a formerminister of Health. He is now too old to continue the deal, that's why he linked me up. I will have to give him some returns from my share too.
If there is any areas were you are not clear please highlight it to me so that I will clarify you.

Tafik Abdul



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